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The electronic cigarette is a battery operated device that heats up liquid nicotine stored in a cartridge inside the cigarette which late produces a  water vapor that when inhaled by an individual goes to the lungs and has no significant risk or health hazard to its lungs unlike the ordinary tobacco cigarette that harm the lungs.

The electronic cigarette has no proven side effects of any kind and is not classified as a drug distributor under the food and drug administration thus it avoids legislation and it cannot be labeled as a health hazard. Manufactures and producers of the e-cigarette do not want the e-cigarette classified the same as the ordinary cigarette since this will subject the manner in which it is advertised and who can be allowed to buy them. The Electronic cigarettes are cheaper than the normal cigarette given the fact that they are not taxed as ordinary cigarettes. The fact that they are also reusable gives it a better advantage since for replacement of the e-cigarette; about a hundred puffs have to be taken.

Recent research has shown that a lot of middle and high school children are taking to smoking the electronic cigarette with 2million students preferring to smoke it.  This is a matter of concern to health experts who believe that the liking of the e-cigarette by the younger adults could spark a liking to the tobacco cigarette and probably birth the use of it and possible nicotine addiction.

Smoking electronic cigarettes is now being tolerated if not welcomed indoors and even on airplanes. The device which produces vapor that is less noticeable and does not involve smoking flames can be used indoors and even most recently on aircraft planes. This however is being met by challenges with most areas banning the smoking of e-cigarettes citing that elements in the vapor may cause respiratory diseases. The department of transport in United States plans to produce rules prohibiting the use of the electronic cigarettes.

Using an E-cigarette is known as vaping. Long term use of the device has proved harmful to the user with research also showing that it is not also suitable for pregnant women because nicotine passes through  the placenta .Studies have shown that these additives are not harmful is little amounts but when taken in heavy doses can turn harmful.

The electronic cigarette is expensive to purchase but once bought it can be reused a lot if it’s one of the best e cigs.

The electronic cigarette was first made in China and further was produced in United States and Europe. It is now a billion dollar industry with a lot of individuals preferring it from the ordinary tobacco cigarette. The cigarette has less harmful chemicals as compared to the ordinary cigarette.

The e- cigarette has been highly advertised by celebrities and doctors alike and is seen as   a best option to reducing the risk of getting lung cancer. There is an unknown that is somehow a threat and worry to the users of the electronic cigarette. It is the fact that the cigarette is also addictive and studies show that smokers, who use the electronic cigarette, when they tried to quit, either became attached to vaping or went back to smoking tobacco cigarettes. In other words, the electronic cigarette is a way to reduce the chances of getting lung cancer but is not a very helpful way to quitting smoking altogether.

This revelation has left many in speculation of the electronic cigarette of whether it is really a solution to the quitting menace or just a cushion to the real looming threat of addiction to cigarette smoking. The electronic cigarette does not necessarily help one to quit smoking instead it keeps users in a state of thinking they are doing it right but the guilt that one is still a smoker is still evident since the main goal is to quit smoking altogether.

A positive to be drawn from all this is that the electronic cigarette although not quite effective in weaning users to quit smoking, it is an effective tool to averting the attention of tobacco cigarette smokers into trying something new that can be of help and probably save their lives in the process.